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Open House and Expo 2023

Captura de Pantalla 2023 07 01 a las 21.11.58

At the end of this semester, parents were invited to share a moment of the day with their children, enjoying with them the routine and learning. They were also able to visit the exhibition that the children and educators so lovingly set up to show the learning during the last unit of inquiry that was related to the interests of each group.

Book Week

During abril/may we celebrate literature as a motivaction for our chidlren to get closer to books and stories. For that purpose, teachers have being developing several performances. One of them was "La Ratita Presumida", an anonymous author, where we worked on the concepts of humility, lo​​ve, pride, among others.

Final Presentation: "Children of the World"

Playgroup Airlines flight was punctual. Destiny: the world.
We all enjoyed travelling with our Playgroup students to many countries, learning about culture, places, traditions and more during the final presentation for parents in mid October
We hope you all had a pleasant flight!

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